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System Reliability

Mandatory and enforceable reliability standards ensure the integrity of the interconnected North American bulk electric system.

Closed OEB Reviews

Summary of New or Amended Reliability Standards and Criteria for which OEB Review Period is Closed

The IESO is responsible for communicating to market participants new or amended reliability standards and criteria which may be subject to the Ontario Energy Board's (OEB) review. The OEB or any person may make an application for review of a reliability standard as long as actions are initiated within the time prescribed in sections 36.1 and 36.2 of the Electricity Act, 1998:

  • IESO posts a new or amended reliability standard on its website within seven days of it being notified by the standards authority.
  • There is a 21-day window for any market participant, including the IESO, to apply to the OEB for review of the reliability standard. The OEB is also able to initiate its own review within 120 days.
  • If there is no review, the standard comes into effect under the Market Rules upon the enforcement date of the reliability standard.
  • If reviewed, the OEB has the authority to stop the standard from applying in Ontario and to refer it back to the standards authority.

The table below provides a summary of new or amended reliability standards and criteria for which the OEB review process is closed. To request a copy of the summaries below, please contact with a link to the web page along with the summary description and notice of filing date, and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format. Please allow a minimum of one business day for a response.

Date of Notice
of Filing
Last Date to Request
an OEB Review
Summary of Proposed New or Amended
NERC Standard or NPCC Criteria
Status of OEB Review
 2019/07/11  2019/08/15 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding proposed reliability standard IRO-002-6  Closed
 2019/06/07  2019/07/19 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding Proposed Retirements of NERC Reliability Standards Resulting from the Standard Efficiency Review  Closed
 2019/05/21  2019/06/14 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding CIP-003-8  Closed
 2019/03/07   2019/04/01 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding CIP-008-6  Closed
 2019/02/20  2019/03/14 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding TPL-007-3  Closed
2018/12/07  2019/01/02 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding TPL-001-5  Closed
2018/09/18 2018/10/12 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding CIP-012-1  Closed
 2018/09/06  2018/10/02 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding VAR-001-5 Closed
 2018/08/17 2018/09/11 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding BAL-002-3 Closed 
 2018/07/23  2018/08/17 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding PER-003-2 Closed 
2018/03/23 2018/04/19 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding PRC-025-2  Closed
2018/02/27 2018/03/26 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding TPL-007-2 - The OEB has reviewed the IESO and Hydro One’s application to review the proposed NERC Reliability Standard TPL-007-2 – Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events, and has granted a stay on the NERC standard until the review of the proposed Canadian Variance is complete.  The Order of the OEB granting a stay of the above NERC Reliability Standard TPL-007-2 - Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events. Closed 
2017/11/30 2017/12/21 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding NPCC D8 and Retirements D3, D9 & D10  Closed
2017/09/26 2017/10/31 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding CIP-013-1, CIP-005-6 and CIP-010-3 Closed 
2017/03/27 2017/04/21 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding EOP-004-4, EOP-005-3, EOP-006-3 and EOP-008-2 Closed
2017/03/03 2017/04/10 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding CIP-003-7 Closed
2017/03/06  2017/04/10 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding IRO-002-5 and TOP-001-4 Closed 
2016/10/24  2016/11/25 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding NPCC Directory 11 Closed
N/A 2016/10/13 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding NPCC Directory 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, and 12 Closed 
2016/04/20  2016/10/05 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding PRC-027-1 and PER-006-1 Closed
2016/08/15 2016/09/12 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding COM-001-3 Closed
2016/08/05 2016/09/05 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding PRC-012-2 Closed
2016/05/26 2016/06/22 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding IRO-018-1 and TOP-010-1 Closed
2016/04/20 2016/05/17 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding BAL-005-1, BAL-006-3 and FAC-001-3 Closed
2016/03/17 2016/04/12 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding FAC-003-4 Closed
2016/01/29 2016/02/26 IESO’s briefing to the OEB regarding BAL-002-2 Closed
2015/11/13 2015/12/11 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding MOD-031-2 Closed
2015/11/13 2015/12/11 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding PRC-005-6   Closed
2015/09/16 2015/10/13 IESO's briefing to the OEB regarding IRO-006-EAST-2 and IRO-009-2   Closed