Day-Ahead Commitment Process

The day-ahead commitment process (DACP) provides a dependable view of the next day’s available supply and anticipated Ontario demand. The DACP can commit certain dispatchable resources and the economic scheduling of imports in the day-ahead time frame, in return for a financial guarantee.

The DACP uses a day-ahead calculation engine (DACE) to optimize energy and operating reserve for the 24 hours of the next day. The DACE determines the least-cost security-constrained solution for a dispatch day based on the bids and offers submitted by all resources.

DACP for dispatchable generators

Dispatchable generators submit offers day-ahead if they wish to participate in the next day’s real-time market. They are required to submit their initial offer between 06:00 and 10:00 EST day-ahead. The offer provides a declaration of the participant's capability and intent to submit offers in real-time.

Dispatchable facilities eligible for a Production Cost Guarantee may receive a commitment schedule day ahead; if they meet that schedule in real-time they will be kept financially whole to their day-ahead offer.

DACP for dispatchable loads

Dispatchable loads submit bids 10:00 EST day-ahead if they wish to participate in the next day’s real-time market as dispatchable resources. Loads that do not submit bids day-ahead may operate in real-time as non-dispatchable.

DACP for importers, exporters and linked wheels

Importer and exporters may choose to submit bids and offers day-ahead, but are not obligated to do so.

Importers that submit offers by 10:00 EST day-ahead and receive a schedule will also receive a day-ahead intertie offer guarantee to recover day-ahead as-offered costs.

Importers will be subject to a day-ahead import failure charge if real-time flows are less than the megawatt quantity committed in DACP, except when conditions causing failure are outside of the importer's control.

Exporters wanting to participate in DACP must submit their bids by 10:00 EST day-ahead. There is no financial guarantee for exports scheduled day-ahead. Exporters will be subject to a day-ahead export failure charge if real-time flows are less than the megawatt quantity committed in DACP, except when conditions causing failure are outside of the exporter's control.

Both legs of linked wheel transactions submitted in the DACP will be scheduled in equal amounts − that is the quantity that can economically navigate both interties. Linked wheels are subject to a day-ahead linked wheel failure charge if real-time flows are less than the megawatt quantity committed in the DACP.

Self-scheduling and intermittent generators

Self-scheduling and intermittent generation facilities must submit a schedule or forecast that represents their best estimate of what they plan to produce the next day.

Related Information

Market Manual 9: Day-Ahead Commitment Process Overview

Training: Guide Day-Ahead Commitment Process

Public notifications related to DACP: DACP Notifications

Day-Ahead and Real-time Market Data: Data Directory