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2019 Electricity Summit

Sector Evolution

2019 Summit Electricity Marketplace of the Future - June 17, 2019


The IESO’s 2019 Electricity Summit focussed on the Electricity Marketplace of the Future with energy thought leaders from across North America sharing their perspectives on topics ranging from the removal of barriers to energy storage, to opportunities energy efficiency may bring as a flexible resource to compete alongside traditional generation. Summit attendees heard how advanced distributed energy markets operate globally and how electricity systems will be called on to adapt or change traditional approaches to accommodate the expansion of these energy resources.

View the full agenda and speaker biographies

Summit Discussions

Opening Remarks
Peter Gregg, IESO
Peter provides a look into Ontario’s future marketplace, including potential options for integrating distributed energy resources into the electricity system, progress on market renewal priorities, next steps for conservation, and enabling energy efficiency and storage to compete. 

Notes for Remarks | Recorded Presentation

Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Trends in a Global Context
Geoff Olynyk, McKinsey and Company
Geoff provides his perspectives on sophisticated DER (distributed energy resource) markets in Australia, Hawaii, and Germany and the technological and market changes that are facilitating large volumes of DERs.

Presentation | Recorded Presentation

Overcoming Barriers to Storage
Christy Walsh, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Christy discusses Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)’s decision in 2018 to remove barriers to the participation of storage resources in the capacity, energy and ancillary services markets operated by regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs).

Presentation | Recorded Presentation

Load Serving Entities in Transition
Kathleen Spees, The Brattle Group
Kathleen delves into the ins and outs of how existing load-serving entities (LSEs) work in other jurisdictions and discusses issues that are emerging with their structure today.

Presentation | Recorded Presentation

Panel: Structural Models for an Evolving Distribution System 
This panel, moderated by Katherine Sparkes of the IESO, explores different viewpoints on emerging and evolving roles and responsibilities at the distribution level of the electricity system as DERs proliferate.

  • Lorenzo Kristov, Consultant
  • David McFadden, Generation Four Capital Corporation
  • Sanem Sergici, The Brattle Group

Recorded Presentation

Energy Efficiency in the Market
Matt Golden, Recurve
Matt discusses how energy efficiency can function as a flexible resource to reduce capacity costs, and avoid or defer transmission and distribution investments, and deliver carbon savings, by leveraging markets and competitive procurements to drive innovation and private investment.

Presentation | Recorded Presentation

Panel: Energy Efficiency in Transition        
This panel, moderated by Frank Kallonen of Greater Sudbury Hydro, explores the challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning from Ontario’s previous conservation framework to a future state where energy efficiency may need to compete with other resources.

  • Philippe Dunsky, Dunsky Energy Consulting
  • Stephen MacDonald, EfficiencyOne
  • Ersilia Serafini, Summerhill Group
  • Terry Young, IESO

Recorded Presentation

Executive Roundtable: Future Challenges to Prepare for Today  
This panel, moderated by Jessica Savage of the IESO, explores how the sector can work together to use sector changes to the benefit of the market, value the needed services, maintain confidence and predictability in the process, create an opportunity for all resources and explore the speed at which these changes must and can happen.

  • Paul Grod, Rodan Energy Solutions
  • Leonard Kula, IESO
  • Derek Lim Soo, Peak Power
  • Annette Verschuren, NRStor Inc.

Recorded Presentation

Summit wrap-up
The Honourable Joe Oliver, IESO Board of Directors
The IESO’s Board Chair provides his perspectives on key learnings from the day and how the IESO will continue to engage with stakeholders and communities.

Recorded Presentation

Summit Resources

  • Innovation Roadmap
  • Removing Obstacles for Storage Resources in Ontario (PDF)
  • Energy Transformation Network of Ontario - Structural options for Ontario's electricity system in a high DER future: potential implications for reliability, affordability, competition and consumer choice 
  • Market Design for a Clean Grid: Unlocking the Potential of Non-Emitting and Emerging Technologies (PDF)
  • The Future of Ontario Electricity Markets: Updated Study Results (PDF)
  • FERC Order No. 841, Electric Storage Participation in Markets Operated by Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators (PDF)
  • Recent Articles by Lorenzo Kristov:
  • Distribution Systems in a High Distributed Energy Resources Future (PDF)
  • Opening Comments of the Center for Climate Protection in Response to Assigned Commissioner’s Scoping Memo and Ruling (PDF)

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