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Market Renewal Newsletter-September Update

September 17, 2024

September 2024 Updates

The Market Renewal Program (MRP) newsletter provides information related to Market Participant readiness activities in support of the launch of the renewed market on May 1, 2025. The newsletter features information on testing, training and stakeholder engagement activities. Visit the MRP Readiness section of IESO’s website to learn more about our Readiness Program.

Final Alignment of Market Rules and Market Manuals

Unanimous Technical Panel vote to recommend the Final Alignment of Market Rules and Market Manuals 

The IESO’s Technical Panel unanimously voted to recommend the Final Alignment of Market Rules and Market Manuals on September 10, 2024. The Final Alignment of Market Rules and Market Manuals will be voted for approval by the IESO’s Board of Directors on October 18, 2024. For more information on the Final Alignment of Market Rules and Market Manuals, please visit the Final Alignment Documents page.

Market Participant Testing

Posting of Sample Settlement Statements

The IESO posted two sample settlement statements that show the structure and format for the new energy charge (charge type 1115) that non-dispatchable loads and distributors will receive in the renewed market. These statements were provided in response to stakeholder requests to assist with the initial testing of their internal systems and are posted on the Settlement Reference Materials section of the Market Renewal webpage. Full sample statements that will include uplifts and other charges will be available in November 2024.

The two sample settlement statements identify how charge type 1115 will appear under two different scenarios: 

  1. A trade date of August 21, 2024 representing settlement of charge type 1115 using the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Ontario Zonal Price (OZP) and Load Forecast Deviation Adjustment (LFDA), and
  2. A trade date of August 20, 2024 representing settlement of charge type 1115 using the Real-Time (RT) OZP as would be required in the event of a DAM failure.

Update on Phase 3 of Market Trials

Phase 3 of Market Trials commenced on September 13, 2024 and is scheduled to end on October 23, 2024. During this phase, Market Participants can confirm that they are able to receive, view, and interact with dispatch instructions from the MRP Dispatch Service system via the web interface and/or through their own API systems. The Sandbox applications for the Energy Market Interface (EMI), Market Information Management (MIM) system, and IESO Reports will continue to be available for Market Participants to test during this phase of Market Trials.

To aid Market Participants during this test phase, the following documents have been posted on the Market Participant Testing section of the Market Renewal webpage: 

  • The MRP Market Trials Test Plan
  • The presentation deck from the Phase 3 kick-off meeting
  • Detailed Test Cases for all phases of Market Trials
  • Issue Log templates for EMI, MIM, IESO Reports, and Dispatch Service for participants without a qTest account

Market Participants are reminded to monitor the Planned IT Outages webpage for any outages that may occur in the Sandbox environment, which will impact the availability of the applications you are testing during this period.

Touchpoint Meetings regarding Market Participant Testing

To improve communication with Market Participants on the status and resolution of issues that are reported during this test phase, the IESO will schedule regular touchpoints with Market Participants. The purpose of these touchpoint meetings is to provide an update on common issues raised by Market Participants and to allow external stakeholders the opportunity to ask any general questions they may have about MRP testing. The IESO will communicate details on when and how to register for these sessions soon.

Phase 2 of Market Trials update

Phase 2 of Market Trials started on August 14, 2024. During this phase, Market Participants can test the following Sandbox applications: Energy Market Interface (EMI), Market Information Management (MIM) system, and IESO Reports.

The IESO initially communicated in Appendix B of the Market Renewal Program (MRP): Market Trials Test Plan (External) and during the August 7th kick-off meeting that Market Participants will be able to test a total of 76 market and systems reports during Phase 2 of Market Trials. Due to settlement integration requirements and the decision to de-scope settlement related reports, the Annual Virtual Transaction Price Delta Report and the Daily Virtual Transaction Price Delta reports will be out of scope during this test phase. As a result, only 74 market and system reports will be available for testing. All reports will be included as part of End-to-End testing.

Additionally, due to an issue that was uncovered during internal testing, not all reports are currently available in the Sandbox IESO Reports site. So far, 70 market and system reports are available for testing. E-mails are sent to MRP contacts and qTest users as in-scope reports become available. 

Wrap-up of Market Trials

A wrap-up meeting is scheduled on November 6, 2024 where the IESO will be providing an overview of lessons learned and a summary of issues that were encountered during the Market Trials test phase. An email will be sent to MRP contacts and current qTest users with a link to register for this meeting.

Stakeholder Engagement

Responses posted on the June 20, 2024 Engagement Webinar

The IESO provided responses to feedback and questions received from participants from the June 20, 2024 Engagement Webinar regarding an overview of the posting of the Final Alignment batch of Market Rule amendments, an overview of the Market Trials test phase, and an update on the Load Forecast Deviation Adjustment. The responses can be found on the “August 22, 2024” row under the Schedule of Activities table on the Implementation Engagement section of the Market Renewal webpage.

Responses posted on the Final Alignment batch of Market Rules and Market Manuals amendments

The IESO provided responses to stakeholder feedback and questions received on the Final Alignment batch of Market Rules and Market Manuals amendments that was posted on June 7, 2024. The responses can be found on the Final Alignment Documents page along with the revisions to the Final Alignment batch of Market Rules and Market Manuals.


Posting of the Guide to Prudentials at the IESO

The Guide to Prudentials at the IESO has been updated to reflect the changes to the IESO’s Prudentials framework when the renewed market is launched on May 1, 2025. Both the clean version and the redline version can be found on the Market Renewal Program - Training Materials page.

Posting of the Guide to Prudentials at the IESO

The “Quick Take: Changes to Reports Site” has been posted on the Technical Reference Materials page to inform stakeholders on the changes to the folder structure of the IESO Reports Site as a result of reports being introduced, updated, or decommissioned by MRP.

Upcoming Events and Key Dates

September 10, 2024:  

Technical Panel vote to recommend the Final Alignment batch of Market Rules and Market Manuals

September 11, 2024: 

Market Trials Phase 2 ends. 

September 13, 2024: 

Market Trials Phase 3 begins.

October 23, 2024: 

Market Trials Phase 3 ends.

November 6, 2024: 

Wrap-up Meeting for Market Trials.

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