Connecting Today.
Powering Tomorrow.
The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) works at the heart of Ontario's power system. The IESO delivers key services across the electricity sector including: managing the power system in real-time, planning for the province's future energy needs, enabling conservation and designing a more efficient electricity marketplace to support sector evolution.

New Home Renovation Rebates
The IESO, through its Save on Energy™ brand, has teamed up with Enbridge Gas to provide rebates for heat pumps, solar panels and more energy efficiency upgrades through the Home Renovation Savings Program. The program is part of new and ongoing opportunities for Ontarians to manage their electricity use and costs through a $10.9 billion, 12-year funding commitment from the Ontario government.

2025 APO Demand Forecast
The IESO’s new annual forecast anticipates that electricity demand in Ontario will grow 75 per cent by 2050, higher than previously forecast. The accelerated pace of demand is due largely to growth in the industrial sector, including more electric vehicle supply chain manufacturing, and in energy-intensive data centres to support the proliferation of artificial intelligence. See more details of the forecast.

Stakeholder Engagement Meetings
The agenda for the January stakeholder engagement meetings are now available.