Ontario's Electricity System

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About Ontario’s Energy Transition

Hear about the IESO’s role in the significant transformation in Ontario’s electricity sector in this recorded webinar.

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Overview of Ontario’s Electricity Sector

Learn about the role of the IESO, and the various players in Ontario's electricity sector.

Hear about how the IESO is driving Ontario’s energy transition amidst growing demand for electricity and the need for new infrastructure in this recorded webinar.

How the IESO manages the electricity market animation thumbnail

How the IESO manages the electricity market

Watch this short video for an explanation of how an electricity market works in Ontario.

Icon representing Ontario's supply mix

Ontario's electricity supply mix

Learn more about Ontario's diverse energy supply mix.

Person speaking to a seated crowd

IESO Speaker Series

Ontario's electricity system connects communities across the province - let's start a conversation about your community's electricity needs. Invite the IESO to your next meeting.