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Pending Changes - Documents

The list below provides advance notice of pending changes to the market rules, market manuals, technical interfaces documentation or other items that define the operation of the IESO-administered market. For changes that are minor, the listing will identify the document that is changing and a description of the revisions, but a link to the altered document may not be included.

Comments on the design and implementation concerns can be sent to This feedback will be taken into account during the baseline schedule.

Details of all of the documents being revised for the current Baseline (and the next Baseline if available) can be found below.

See Document Library for previous Baseline Plans.

Pending Changes - Documents

Item Last Updated Comments Due Target Implementation
MM7.3: Outage Management, IMP_PRO_0035_v49.1

Updated footnote to Appendix B, Table B-1: Outage Reporting Requirements to exclude certain power system back-up power facility inspections and tests from requiring coordination with IESO.
23-Jul-2024 09-Aug-2024 In advance of Baseline 52.1