IESO Academy

IESO guides the sector, especially in this time of energy transformation. It is of vital importance that those parties who participate in the Ontario electricity grid are knowledgeable and well informed.

The IESO Academy introduces eLearning Modules to provide a more efficient and effective learning path for Market Participants. These eLearning Modules explain important IESO energy market-related information.

Modules currently available for enrollment:

  • Global Adjustment
  • New Registration Parameters and Forms in Online IESO
  • Quick Take: Price Responsive Loads
  • Introduction to Locational Marginal Prices and Zonal Pricing
  • Capacity Auction
    • Pre-Auction and Auction Period
    • Forward Period and Commitment Period
  • Transmission Rights Auction Application Walk Through

Upcoming Modules:

  • Introduction to the IESO
  • Invoice reconciliation
  • Market Power Mitigation (MPM) Framework

To access the eLearning Modules:

Contact IESO Customer Relations at Please include the following in your email:

  • Organization name (name registered with IESO)
  • First and Last name
  • eLearning Module(s) you would like to be enrolled in
  • Email that you would like us to use for your eLearning account registration (preferably your organization email address)

Once your request is processed, you will receive an email from “Reach 360” with a link to the IESO eLearning website and will be prompted to create an account. This site will provide you access to your requested course(s). As new courses are added you may be alerted via email or by regularly visiting this page to see if new courses are listed.

Note: if you already have an existing Reach 360 account, please provide us your existing account ID and indicate which eLearning module(s) you would like to enroll in. 

IESO Academy FAQs