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Corporate IESO

Corporate IESO


The IESO President and CEO and Leadership Team are responsible for implementing the strategic direction and initiatives for the organization in keeping with its statutory objectives. They also provide advice and recommendations to the IESO Board of Directors.

Corporate Strategy and Business Planning

The IESO's strategic plan provides clarity, direction and focus, connecting the IESO’s purpose and vision for the future to our core strategies, which provide a roadmap to achieving our strategic objectives. The IESO’s business activities and initiatives are guided by this overarching five-year plan. The IESO also tracks specific corporate performance measures to ensure the organization is meeting its targets, and delivering on its mandate to ensure the reliability of the province’s power system on behalf of all Ontarians.

Ministerial Directives

From time to time, the Minister of Energy issues directives and letters to the IESO articulating government policy.

Regulatory Accountability

The IESO is a not-for-profit corporate entity established in the Electricity Act, 1998, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Minister of Energy. Its fees and licences to operate are set by the Ontario Energy Board. In fulfilling its role as the province’s reliability coordinator, the IESO must comply with, oversee and enforce reliability standards and processes that are set by several regulatory bodies within and outside of Ontario.

Media Centre

In the IESO's Media Centre, reporters will find timely and relevant information about the IESO, Ontario's power system and the wholesale electricity market. For media inquiries, please contact 416.506.2823 or

Corporate Accountability

Accountability is a fundamental principle in the governance, management, administration and operations of the IESO. In exercising its duties, the IESO strives to serve the ratepayers of Ontario in a transparent and inclusive manner. This section includes documents related to its corporate accountability, including organizational policies, credit rating reports, accessibility and disclosure requirements and more.

Information and Privacy

The IESO complies with the privacy protection and access to information rules contained in Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). This section provides more information about the IESO's Privacy Policy and access to information requests process.

Corporate Procurement

All available procurement opportunities are posted on Interested parties should refer to the Agencies, Crown & Private Corporations page for access to the IESO’s opportunities.