Long-Term 1 RFP and Expedited Process
LT1 RFP Updates
The LT1 RFP procurement for electricity capacity has now concluded.
The procurement has resulted in competitive prices for new resources, municipal support, and significant Indigenous participation and equity ownership in projects. The IESO has executed contracts with 13 selected proponents, acquiring 2,194.91 MW of new capacity scheduled to come into service between 2026-2028. As part of IESO’s continued commitment to transparency, individual contract prices can now be found in the results tables.
With the final results of the LT1 RFP, the first phase of the Resource Adequacy Framework for meeting needs this decade is now complete. The next series of procurements (LT2 RFP) will look to address needs emerging in 2029 and through the early-2030s in three streams:
- Energy Stream: Approximately 2,000 MW of new supply to meet a five terawatt-hour energy need, to be in service by 2030. This could include solar, wind, hydroelectric expansions, and biofuels.
- Capacity Stream: 500-1,000 MW in service by 2031. This could include storage, hydrogen and biofuels.
- Long Lead-Time Resources Procurement: 500-1,000 MW in service by 2034. This could include new hydroelectric assets, and long lead-time long-duration storage.
For the latest information on the LT2 RFP, visit the Long-Term 2 RFP webpage.
The LT1 RFP has now concluded, further augmenting the suite of resources previously acquired under the Expedited Long-Term 1 Request for Proposals RFP (E-LT1 RFP) and Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation, and demonstrating the important progress being made to meet Ontario’s reliability demands. More information is available in the IESO’s Resource Adequacy Update.
Procurement design and requirements have been and will continue to be shaped by input from stakeholders. Engagement for the next long-term procurement, the LT2 RFP, is ongoing and more information can be found on the IESO’s Long-Term 2 RFP webpage.
The Long Term request for proposals ("LT1 RFP") and the statements and information contained therein, are based on the proposed design as of the date of posting and remain subject to amendment following the process set out in the LT1 RFP. Nothing in the LT1 RFP, or the posting thereof, obligates the IESO to continue or conduct the procurement process contemplated herein, or any other procurement process. Nothing in the posted LT1 RFP or contract constitutes, nor shall it be construed to constitute, an agreement, guarantee, representation, or warranty, express or implied, on behalf of the IESO. The IESO provides no such agreement, guarantee, representation, or warranty and disclaims any and all liability associated therewith. In the event there is any conflict or inconsistency between the LT1 RFP or contract, and the IESO market rules, any legislation or regulation, the terms in the market rules, legislation, or regulation as applicable, govern.
Archive Procurement Documents
The Long-Term 1 RFP (LT1 RFP) was launched in 2023, targeting year-round capacity to come into service between 2026-2028 to meet system needs.
The LT1 RFP acquired more than 2,100 MWs of new capacity to help meet system needs in the near and long term. This included 1,784 MW of capacity from electricity storage facilities and 410 MW from natural gas and biogas. See the LT1 RFP Results Table.
The success of the LT1 RFP demonstrates the IESO’s ongoing progress in meeting Ontario’s reliability needs over the decade. With growing demand, an evolving supply mix and a drive toward grid decarbonization, the IESO is continuing the work to build a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity system that is critical to ensuring communities will flourish, businesses have the confidence to invest, and industries can decarbonize.
Final LT1 RFP Procurement Documents
- LT1 RFP – Addendum No.1 (November 28, 2023)
- LT1 RFP (September 29, 2023)
- LT1 RFP - Blackline to September 8, 2023 (September 29, 2023)
- LT1 Contract (September 29, 2023)
- LT1 Contract - Blackline to September 8, 2023 (September 29, 2023)
- Appendix D – Form of Irrevocable and Unconditional Standby Letter of Credit) (November 10, 2023)
Final LT1 Prescribed Forms
- Access Rights Declaration - LT1PF-AR200 (September 29, 2023)
- Proposal Price - LT1PF-PP200 (September 29, 2023)
- Proponent Information Declarations and Workbook - LT1PF-PI200 (September 29, 2023)
- LT1PF – PW300 Proposal Workbook (October 23, 2023)
- Evidence of Municipal Support - LT1PF-MS200 (September 29, 2023)
- Evidence of Indigenous Community Participation - LT1PF-IP200 (September 29, 2023)
- Evidence of Indigenous Support - LT1PF-IS200 (September 29, 2023)
- Community Engagement Requirements - LT1PF-CE200 (September 29, 2023)
- Notice of Change - LT1PF-NC200 (September 29, 2023)
- Notice of Proposal Withdrawal - LT1PF-NW200 (September 29, 2023)
LT1 Questions and Responses
- LT1 RFP Question and Comment Period Batch 3 (November 28, 2023)
- LT1 RFP Question and Comment Period Batch 2 (November 21, 2023)
- LT1 RFP Question and Comment Period Batch 1 (October 23, 2023)
- LT1 RFP - FAQ (September 29, 2023)
Other LT1 RFP Procurement Resources
- LT1 Deliverability Test Results (September 29, 2023)
- IESO Letter to Hydro One
- Final Deliverability Test Guidance Document v2.3 (June 16, 2023)
- LT1 RFP - Deliverability Focused FAQ (June 13, 2023)
- Final Deliverability Test Input Data Form
- List of Qualified Applicants
The Expedited Long-Term RFP (E-LT1 RFP) and Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation were launched in 2022 to competitively secure new capacity through targeted and streamlined processes intended to bring resources into service before 2027.
The E-LT1 RFP acquired more than 1,100 MWs of new capacity to help meet system needs in the near and long term. This included 880 MW of capacity from electricity storage facilities scheduled to be in service no later than 2026, and representing a fleet five times that of Ontario’s current battery storage capacity.
It also acquired roughly 285 MW of expansions at existing natural gas facilities, providing a cost-effective and timely solution to Ontario’s immediate reliability needs. Natural gas will be necessary as a transitional resource to help maintain reliability as Ontario grows its storage fleet. The important operability characteristics of gas must remain available to Ontario’s power system as no like-for-like replacement is yet available. These procurements therefore strike the right balance between ensuring system reliability and setting the stage for the ongoing energy transformation. See the E-LT1 RFP Results Table.
The IESO’s Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation secured agreements with seven natural gas facilities for enhancements to existing equipment, which in total will provide 286 MW incremental capacity to Ontario’s system by mid-decade. See the Results Table.
Energy storage will be a key enabler in meeting Ontario’s future needs, and the Long-Term RFP, launching this fall, will build on these results, completing Ontario’s overall procurement of approximately 2,500 MW of storage that will be online/in-service toward the end of the decade.
More information is available in the IESO's June 2023 Resource Adequacy Update.
Expedited Process Final Procurement Documents
- E-LT1 RFP Results Table
- E-LT1 RFP – Consolidated (February 3, 2023)
- E-LT1 Contract – Consolidated (February 3, 2023)
- E-LT1 RFP - Addendum No.1 (December 23, 2022)
- E-LT1 RFP - Addendum No.2 (January 27, 2023)
- E-LT1 RFP - Addendum No.3 (February 3, 2023)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Access Rights Declaration (December 6, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Proposal Price (December 6, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Proponent Information Declarations and Workbook (January 27, 2023)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Proposal Workbook (December 6, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Evidence of Municipal Support (December 6, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Evidence of Indigenous Community Participation (December 6, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Evidence of Indigenous Support (December 6, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Community Engagement Requirements (January 25, 2023)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Notice of Change (December 21, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Notice of Proposal Withdrawal (December 6, 2022)
- E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Storage Category 2 Revised Proposal Price (January 27, 2023)
CIB E-LT1 Guidance Documents
- Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) letter to the IESO (January 20, 2023)
- Letter from the Minister of Energy re: Proposed CIB Financing Approach (January 24, 2023)
- CIB Investment Overview (January 27, 2023)
- CIB E-LT1 Guidance (February 7, 2023)
- E-LT1 RFP - CIB Financial Workbook (February 7, 2023)
E-LT1 Question and Comment Period Responses
- Question and Comment Period Batch 1 - IESO Responses (January 24, 2023)
- Question and Comment Period Batch 2 - IESO Responses (February 9, 2023)
- E-LT1 RFP - FAQ document (February 14, 2023)
Other E-LT1 Procurement Resources
- E-LT1 RFP Fairness Advisors Report
- Letter from the Minister of Energy re: Evidence of Municipal Support for E-LT1 (December 23, 2022)
- E-LT1 RFP Consolidated blackline to December 6 Final (February 3, 2023)
- E-LT1 Contract Consolidated blackline to December 6 Final (February 3, 2023)
- Revised Locational Preference Breakdown (Updated November 7, 2022)
- Locational Considerations and Circuits to Avoid
- Deliverability Guidance Document
- Deliverability Test Input Data Form (Updated on August 25, 2022)
- Resource Adequacy Engagement
- Annual Acquisition Report
- Annual Planning Outlook
- Ministry of Energy Directive on Procurement of Electricity Resources (January 28, 2022)
- Ministry of Energy Outlines Further IESO Actions to Address Resource Adequacy (November 10, 2021)
Expedited Process Archived Procurement Documents
- Revised Draft E-LT1 RFP (Updated November 8, 2022)
- Draft E-LT1 RFP (Blackline to October 17, 2022 version)
- Revised Draft E-LT1 Contract (Updated November 8, 2022)
- Draft E-LT1 Contract (Blackline to October 17, 2022 version)
- Draft E-LT1 RFP (Originally posted September 23, 2022)
- Revised Draft E-LT1 RFP (Originally posted October 17, 2022)
- Draft E-LT1 RFP (Blackline to August 25, 2022 version) (Originally posted September 23, 2022)
- Draft E-LT1 RFP (Blackline to September 23, 2022 version)
- Draft E-LT1 Contract (Originally posted August 25, 2022)
- Revised Draft E-LT1 Contract (Originally posted October 17, 2022)
- Draft E-LT1 Contract (Blackline to August 25, 2022 version)
- Locational Preference Breakdown (Originally posted October 11, 2022)
- Revised Locational Preference Breakdown (Originally posted October 20, 2022)
The Expedited Long-Term RFP (E-LT1 RFP) and Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation were launched in 2022 to competitively secure new capacity through targeted and streamlined processes intended to bring resources into service before 2027.
The E-LT1 RFP acquired more than 1,100 MWs of new capacity to help meet system needs in the near and long term. This included 880 MW of capacity from electricity storage facilities scheduled to be in service no later than 2026, and representing a fleet five times that of Ontario’s current battery storage capacity.
It also acquired roughly 285 MW of expansions at existing natural gas facilities, providing a cost-effective and timely solution to Ontario’s immediate reliability needs. Natural gas will be necessary as a transitional resource to help maintain reliability as Ontario grows its storage fleet. The important operability characteristics of gas must remain available to Ontario’s power system as no like-for-like replacement is yet available. These procurements therefore strike the right balance between ensuring system reliability and setting the stage for the ongoing energy transformation. See the E-LT1 RFP Results Table.
The IESO’s Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation secured agreements with seven natural gas facilities for enhancements to existing equipment, which in total will provide 286 MW incremental capacity to Ontario’s system by mid-decade. See the Results Table.
Energy storage will be a key enabler in meeting Ontario’s future needs, and the Long-Term RFP, launching this fall, will build on these results, completing Ontario’s overall procurement of approximately 2,500 MW of storage that will be online/in-service toward the end of the decade.
More information is available in the IESO's June 2023 Resource Adequacy Update.
Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation Final Documents
- Same Technology Upgrades Results
- Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation FAQ and Feedback
- Draft Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation v4 (Updated November 1, 2022)
- Draft Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation (Blackline to October 17, 2022 v3 to v4)
- Draft Submission Form (Updated November 1, 2022)
- Draft Call for Submissions v3 (Originally posted October 17, 2022)
- Draft Call for Submissions v3 (Blackline to September 26, 2022 version) (Originally posted October 17, 2022)
Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation Archived Documents
- Final Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation - FAQ Feedback (December 15, 2022)
- Final Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation - Call for Submissions (December 5, 2022)
- Final Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation - Exhibit A to Final Call For Submissions – Same Technology Performance Test Protocol (December 5, 2022)
- Final Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation - Submission Form (December 5, 2022)
- Same Technology Upgrade Solicitation (Blackline to November 1, 2022 v4 to Final)
LT1 RFQ Documents
- Final LT1 RFQ
- LT1 RFQ Fairness Advisors Report
- LT1 RFQ - Addendum #1
- LT1 RFQ - Blackline to April 22 draft
- LT1 RFQ Prescribed Form: RFQ Applicant Qualifying Experience and Declarations
- LT1 RFQ Prescribed Form: Long-Term Reliability Project Description
- LT1 RFQ Prescribed Form: Notice of Qualification Withdrawal
- LT1 RFQ Qualification Submission Completeness Checklist
- April 22, 2022 - LT1 RFQ Response to Stakeholder Feedback
- LT1 RFQ - Stakeholder QA - Batch 1 - June 17
- LT1 RFQ - Stakeholder QA - Batch 2 - June 23
- LT1 RFQ - Stakeholder QA - Batch 3 - June 28