Forecasting and Planning
The IESO plans for the resources needed to meet Ontario’s future electricity needs. This includes accounting for Ontario’s forecasted electricity requirements, and carrying out integrated resource planning for energy efficiency, generation and transmission infrastructure to meet those requirements. With the resource adequacy engagement underway to develop a robust framework of competitive mechanisms to meet Ontario’s resource adequacy needs in the short, medium and long term periods, the processes to guide planning for the bulk power system must also evolve to coordinate with these changes.
The IESO will be seeking feedback from communities and stakeholders on the design of a formal integrated bulk system planning process, including:
Additional details on the IESO’s plans to engage stakeholders throughout the process can be found in the engagement plan. All comments and enquiries on this engagement can be directed to
Documents referenced on this page, but not posted, can be obtained by contacting with a link to the web page that lists the document and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format. Please allow a minimum of one business day for a response.
Date | Activities | Expected Actions |
Transition to the Bulk System Planning Process Discussion on proposed enhancements and how recommended changes may affect communities and stakeholders |
November 9, 2021 |
Following the October 19th webinar, the IESO is seeking feedback from participants on their involvement in the process, as well as on the planning information and data released with the West of London bulk study report. January 11, 2022: IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
October 19, 2021 |
Engagement on the final high-level design of the Bulk System Planning Process and the process detail for stakeholder engagement. |
This webinar was presented during the IESO's October stakeholder engagement sessions, see full agenda for more information. |
March 15, 2021 |
Stakeholder feedback due on materials presented at the February 22nd webinar May 5, 2021: IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
February 22, 2021 |
High-level Design and Development of the Bulk System Planning Process IESO to present an overview of the high level design of proposed changes to bulk system planning and seek stakeholder feedback on the process. |
This webinar was presented during the IESO's February stakeholder engagement sessions, see full agenda for more information. |
November 18, 2020 |
Overview of proposed Bulk System Planning Process presented in Planning and Overview webinar at the November Engagement Days |
February, 2020 |
Update on Bulk System Planning Process presented at Technical Planning Conference |
March 19, 2019 |
Stakeholder Feedback
February 26, 2019 |
Bulk System Planning Webinar #2
December 14, 2018 |
Stakeholder Feedback
November 23, 2018 |
Phase 1 Bulk Planning Webinar
November 7-8 & 21-22, 2018 |
Regional Energy Forums |
October 22-24, 2018 |
First Nations Energy Symposium |
September 13, 2018 |
IESO Technical Planning Conference |