The Greater Bruce/Huron area is located in southwestern Ontario. The region includes the counties of Bruce, Huron and Perth, as well as portions of Grey, Lambton, Wellington, Waterloo, Oxford and Middlesex counties. The Greater Bruce/Huron region also encompasses Hamilton sub-region.
The local distribution companies providing services to customers in the area include:
Entegrus Power Lines Inc.
ERTH Power Corp.
Festival Hydro Inc.
Hydro One Networks Inc.
Wellington North Power Inc.
Westario Power Inc.
Community Engagement
The IESO engages with local and regional communities to seek input to help inform planning activities. There are currently no active regional planning engagement activities for this region. See Key Resources below for the latest planning documents.
A new cycle of regional electricity planning commenced in 2019, with the completion a Needs Assessment by Hydro One and Scoping Assessment Outcome Report led by the IESO, working with the LDCs and transmitter in the region. This cycle was triggered early due to an increasing amount of load connection requests received.
The regional planning process for the Southern Huron-Perth sub-region of Greater Bruce/Huron was completed with the release of an Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP) and the supporting Appendices in September 2021. The long-term electricity plan considers electricity demand and supply conditions over the next 20 years in the area and recommends required actions to ensure an adequate and reliable supply continues to be provided for its residents and businesses.
The IRRP identifies that the capability of the existing electricity infrastructure is approaching its limits, but there are no imminent needs due to slow local growth. However, any marginal changes in growth could significantly delay or advance need, so the IRRP also examined a high growth scenario and potential solutions. Key recommendations in the IRRP include:
In the near-term, continue to observe local growth and consider targeted non-wires solutions in the area to further defer future needs; and,
In the long-term and/or in the event needs are accelerated, pursue targeted Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) and wires solutions (load transfer).