The London area region includes the municipalities of Oxford County, Middlesex County, Elgin County, City of London, City of Woodstock, and City of St. Thomas. Regional planning for the London area is divided into five sub-regions: Greater London, Alymer-Tillsonburg, Strathroy, Woodstock and St. Thomas.
The local distribution companies providing services to customers in the area include:
Entegrus Powerlines Inc.
ERTH Power Inc.
Hydro One Networks Inc.
London Hydro Inc.
Tillsonburg Hydro Inc.
Community Engagement
The IESO engages with local and regional communities to seek input to help inform planning activities. There are currently no active regional planning engagement activities for this region. See Key Resources below for the latest planning documents.
A Needs Screening was carried out by Hydro One Networks Inc. for the London region in 2015. The report identified electricity needs that may require regional coordination, and concluded these needs should be reviewed further through the Scoping Assessment process.
The participants in the Scoping Assessment process reviewed the identified needs and outlined the best planning approach in a Scoping Assessment Outcome Report. This included dividing the region into five sub-regions:
Capacity and load restoration needs were identified in the Greater London sub-region and an Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP) was developed in 2017 to address them;
Supply capability limitations were identified in Alymer-Tillsonburg sub-region and will be addressed through Regional Infrastructure Planning, which will be led by Hydro One;
Local planning between affected local distribution companies and Hydro One Transmission will address needs in the Strathroy sub-region and Woodstock sub-region; and,
The St. Thomas sub-region requires no further planning at this time.
Participants in the process included representatives from Entegrus Power Lines, Erie Thames Power Lines Corporation, London Hydro Inc., St. Thomas Energy Inc., Tillsonburg Hydro Inc., Woodstock Hydro Services Inc., Hydro One Networks Inc. (distribution and transmission) and the IESO.