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Hydrogen Interruptible Rate Pilot

Sector Evolution

The IESO is currently in the process of developing a plan for a specialized interruptible rate pilot aimed at load facilities involved in electrolyzer-based hydrogen production. This initiative, known as the Hydrogen Interruptible Rate Pilot, will build upon the existing Interruptible Rate Pilot designed for general load facility participation.

Under the existing Interruptible Rate Pilot, large consumers have the opportunity to test a new approach for reducing their global adjustment charges. By lowering their electricity demand during periods when there is system reliability benefit, as instructed by the IESO, participants can mitigate their charges.

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to submit a report by September 15, 2023, outlining a plan for the Hydrogen Interruptible Rate Pilot tailored specifically for hydrogen producers and developers in Ontario. In order to develop this plan, the IESO seeks engagement with developers of electrolyzer-based hydrogen production facilities in Ontario. This engagement aims to incorporate pilot design features that facilitate participation in the program and take advantage of the flexibility offered by hydrogen production facilities. Interested parties are invited to contact the IESO at

Related Engagements

Interruptible Rate Pilot (for general load participation)

Schedule of Activities


Engagement Activity

Expected Actions

October 4, 2023

Hydrogen Interruptible Rate Pilot Update


September 15, 2023

Report back to Ministry of Energy:

  • IESO to report back to Ministry of Energy on a plan to design and implement a Hydrogen Interruptible Rate Pilot

July/August 2023

Focused consultation with potential pilot participants:

  • IESO to hold meetings with hydrogen developer organizations that express interest in the pilot
  • IESO to solicit feedback on pilot design features that would support participation and leverage the flexibility of electrolyzer-based hydrogen production facilities
  • Presentation
  • Feedback Form - Public
  • Feedback Form - Confidential

Feedback Received


July 6, 2023

Interruptible Rate Pilot Underway